GREAT name – gotta ask!  Dante Perrone says he was brainstorming a name and (brilliantly) came up with Axe and Hatchet (decidedly masculine – although probably PI).  Dante began his career dream inadvertently while sweeping the floor of his father’s St. Catherines’ barbershop “Rende,” named lovingly after his dad’s Italian hometown. The grown up Dante loved the techniques he mastered at Tony & Guy / London and brought it with him to Yorkville.

Business skyrocketed!  Built on an insight that the “Yorkvillian” needs an unpretentious super-professional place for grooming confidence, A & H’s worth was felt instantly!  Everyone is treated equally; the range of clientele spans from bartenders, to sports and TV stars, to CEO’s, to every kind of professional who appreciates the value of expert grooming.  Dante connects with his clientele by talking his favourites: real estate, sports, life, love.  His expert staff follow through and add to the vibe their combined Maltese, Israeli, Chinese, Trinidadian and local cultures.

Dante celebrates Yorkville’s transformation from what he remembers from 10 years ago as very old, very dull to the fantastically changed cool, edgy, exciting community of today.  He’s staying and making sure everyone is walking out of A & H self-assured and ready – and heads up! (see profound pet peeve below – ed.).

Interview with Dante Perrone

Pet Peeve:

The hold technology has on people: When they’re looking down all the time they miss out on life – saying hello, sharing a smile, really living their day-to-day life fully.

And by the way – literally a pet peeve according to Dante – “Dogs do not belong in strollers.”

Celebrities frequenting Axe & Hatchet:

Jason Priestley

Gregg Zaun

Troy Tulowitzki

Sebastian Giovinco

Steven Stamkos

Favorite Places:

ZAZA –  75 Yorkville Ave.

STK –  153 Yorkville Ave.

Trattoria Nervosa –  75 Yorkville Ave.

Over the Rainbow –  101 Yorkville Ave.

Contraband –  104 Yorkville Ave.

Serpentine –  132 Cumberland St.

AXE & HATCHET Grooming Club

101 Yorkville Ave. #12B


Mon. – Fri. 10am – 7pm

Sat. 10am – 4pm